Monkeypox: What Is It and How to Protect Yourself

Monkeypox: What Is It and How to Protect Yourself

Two years since COVID-19 became a global health issue, the World Health Organization is already taking an eye to a new virus, Monkeypox, that can potentially be another threat to the health of people around the world.

Let’s take a closer look at everything you need to know about Monkeypox, including the signs and symptoms, transmission, and how to keep yourself safe from it.


What is Monkeypox?

Monkeypox is a rare disease or viral zoonosis transmitted from animals to humans. It brings flu-like symptoms similar to smallpox but less severe such as fever and chills and a rash that can last a few weeks. It is commonly found in West Africa. As of today, there is still no proven treatment for it, however, it usually goes away on its own after a few weeks. 

Monkeypox was found in 1958 when two episodes of a pox-like disease happened in monkeys being utilized for research. It’s spread essentially through human contact with infected animals, yet can now and again be spread through skin-to-skin contact with an infected individual. There are two known types of monkeypox virus: one started in Central Africa and the other one began in West Africa. The world outbreak today (2022) is brought about by the less severe West African clade.

Is it Airborne?

Unlike COVID-19, Monkeypox is not airborne. However, it would still be best to take extra precautions, especially when inside an enclosed room where the same air circulates the area. Having an air purifier or an efficient air purification system is recommended.

Also Read: Your Guide to Choosing an Air Purifier 


What are the Signs and Symptoms of Monkeypox?

The incubation period of monkeypox usually takes about 6 to 13 days. However, in some cases, it can take from 5 to 21 days. 

Common signs and symptoms of monkeypox include:

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Muscle aches and backaches
  • Exhaustion
  • Respiratory Symptoms (Cough, Sore throat, Nasal congestion)
  • Rash that can go through stages before healing

Not every person with monkeypox fosters the side effects in general. Truth be told, in the current (2022) outbreak, many cases aren’t following the standard pattern. Like other diseases, you can have it without even knowing you have it. However, regardless of whether you give numerous indications of disease, you can still actually spread it to others through close contact.

Monkeypox can be spread from the time signs and symptoms start until the rash has recuperated, all scabs have tumbled off, and a new layer of skin has been shaped. Monkeypox normally endures 2 a month.

The fatality ratio of monkeypox has generally ranged from 0 to 11% with a higher rate in kids. Recently, it has gone to around 3 to 6%.



There are several ways monkeypox can be spread. Here are some of the known causes of transmissions:

  • One of the ways monkeypox can be spread is when you come into contact with an infected animal the virus. This animal-to-person transmission commonly happens when the person has broken skin such as from scratch or bite. It can also occur through direct contact with the infected animal’s blood or body fluids.
  • Another way is person-to-person contact. You can get infected by having direct or close contact with a person infected or through body fluids and respiratory secretions. Direct contact usually happens during intimate contacts such as hugging, kissing, prolonged face-to-face contact, and many more.
  • You can also get the virus by having direct contact with recently contaminated materials such as clothing, bedding, and other linens used by an infected person or animal. This includes touching objects and surfaces used by an infected person or animal that are not disinfected.
  • Even a fetus can get the virus. A pregnant person can spread monkeypox to their fetus through the placenta.


How to Keep Yourself Protected Against Monkeypox?

Although a vaccine for smallpox can be used to prevent getting monkeypox, it’s still in clinical trials. While professionals are doing their best to help fight the spread of the virus, we as individuals can take extra precautionary measures to avoid getting infected, especially people who are most susceptible. 

Here are some ways to prevent getting monkeypox:

  • Avoid getting in contact with infected people and animals.
  • Do not get in contact with bedding, object, and surfaces contaminated with the virus.
  • If cooking and eating animal meat, cleanse and cook it thoroughly. 
  • Wash your hands frequently with your trusted antibacterial soap and water.
  • Practice safe intimate sessions by using protection and dental dams. 
  • Wear a mask properly. It should cover both your mouth and nose, especially when around other people. 
  • Make it a habit to clean and disinfect materials and surfaces frequently.
  • Limit person-to-person contact as much as possible.
  • Raise awareness by educating people with the right knowledge about the disease. 
  • Have a reliable air purifier for indoor areas. Although monkeypox is not airborne, having quality air in an enclosed room can still help reduce your risk, not only of getting monkeypox but also of some other diseases and harmful airborne particles. 

Preventing getting infected is one way to take care of yourself and make sure you stay healthy and protected. If you require an air purifier that can help provide you with better indoor air quality, get in touch with us. Our products and services are trusted by many brands and organizations in the Philippines.

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