Air Filter Types: Your Guide to Choosing the Best For You

Air Filter Types: Your Guide to Choosing the Best For You

First thing to note: not all air filters are created equal. Each of them is unique and choosing the best one for you allows you to ensure you get your desired result. One of the best ways to do it is to have a better understanding of the different air filter types and their characteristics. And you’re exactly where you should be. Find out more in this article. 


What is MERV Rating?

Before we dive into the different air filter types, it’s important as well that you know the different levels of filter efficiency and performance to determine which ones are good and ideal for you. 

Not all of them will definitely clean your indoor air. Choosing a high-quality filter will help you remove more particles. To determine if a filter will work well according to your needs, check its minimum efficiency reporting value or MERV rating

The standard or average MERV rating ranges from 1 to 16 with the increasing number indicating better filtration. 

  • MERV 1 to 4 – These are the typical air filter types that are budget-friendly yet have the most basic level of filter efficiency.
  • MERV 6 to 8 – These are widely used in residential areas. It provides better filtration and is made commonly made of pleated cloth or paper that captures the particles in the air.
  • MERV 9 to 12 – High-quality mid-range filters that can capture particles with the size of 1 micron or larger.
  • MERV 13 to 16 – If you’re up for something great, these are the highly efficient air filter types available in the market. These can capture particles with the size of 0.3 microns or larger.

There are also air filters that have MERV ratings higher than 16. Of course, they are effective, however, they are quite thick and dense that may result in interference with your HVAC equipment’s airflow. 


Air Filter Types and Their Characteristics

Have you ever experienced stopping by a store for a few minutes to buy a product but ending up staring at its different types? Then you asked one of their staff about its difference but got an answer that is either almost blank or quite technical. Don’t let this happen to you when you’re choosing between the different air filter types. Getting the type that’s not fit for your need may affect your health. 

This guide will help you make a smarter choice and save you both time and money. Let’s take a closer look at the different types of air filters.

1. High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filter 

There’s no need to worry about the quality of indoor air you got when you’re using a HEPA filter. This is one of the most efficient air filter types that can remove up to 99.97% of airborne particles and pollutants with the size of 0.3 microns. It has a MERV rating of 16 that’s great to use in your home, workplace, or even in medical facilities. 

This is the most ideal type for you if you have… 

  • Allergies or respiratory issues
  • Pets in your area
  • Medical activities (In medical facilities)

Additional amazing facts about the HEPA filter: It doesn’t need to be adjusted by your contractor to fit your HVAC system. Plus, you can save costs as unlike other filters that need to change regularly, this can last can a few months or even a few years.

2. Washable Filter

Even eco-warriors have their specific option—washable filters that are reusable. This type can help you in your goal to save money as well as reduce waste. It is quite costly but the catch is you’ll only purchase once and use it for many years unlike other consumable air filters wherein you’ll have to purchase every few months. 

This air filter type is the choice for…

  • Highly environmental friendly
  • People with time and energy maintain it
  • Those with a budget on hand

If this is your choice, you should be ready to work on maintaining it to have it continuously working. Without proper maintenance, its efficiency can become lower than expected. It has a low MERV rating but is a good long-term investment. 

3. Spun Glass Filter

You might have seen this at least once as this is one of the most common air filter types for air-conditioners. It is known to be more affordable than the other types, efficient but disposable.

Spun glass filters are not ideal for people with respiratory issues as it isn’t known to improve indoor air quality. It cannot capture many particles and can only remove mostly dust and allergens.

This would be best for you if you…

  • Are looking for an air filter for your air conditioner
  • Do not have respiratory problems
  • Have a tight budget


4. Pleated Filters

This commonly uses cotton folds or polyester fabrics. Its MERV value ranges between 5 to 13. While they can effectively filter dust and other airborne pollutants, they provide low air filtration and are less resistant to airflow.

Its advantage is its pleats as it can increase the surface area of the filter that allowing better filtration. It can also capture even allergens and pollutants that aren’t easy to trap. 

This could be your pick if you…

  • Have quite a budget for a good air filter
  • Want fewer replacements as it can last long
  • Are looking for a competitive type of air filter

Although it works great, this type has a downside. It requires your HVAC system to work a little harder to pull air through the unit, which may result in your HVAC lowering your unit’s efficiency.

5. Media Filter

When looking for one of the beneficial air filter types, this can be your choice. It has a high MERV rating that can filter even small pollutants and bacteria and has a greater surface area that can prevent static pressure. 

Moreover, media filters are easy to maintain, sturdy, and cost-efficient, however, it needs to be regularly changed at least once or twice a year and be installed by professional. Note as well that this air filter type cannot filter odors. 

Perfect for people or businesses that…

  • Want a reasonably-priced air filter
  • Need an easy-to-maintain air filter


6. Electrostatic Filters

Combating allergens? Then this type is for you. The electrostatic filter has a strong magnetism that attracts dust and airborne particles through its small cotton and paper fibers. 

The twist here is, if this air filter type can capture small particles, it tends to get difficulties trapping the larger ones like mold spores or dust. 

This type of air filter is fit for you if…

  • You have no respiratory problems
  • You want to focus on combating allergens


7. UV Filter

Got a hint from its name? Yes, you’re right! This type of air filter utilizes short-wave ultraviolet light in killing elements in the air like bacteria and viruses. UV filters are known to be efficient against microorganisms. It disinfects the air that passes through with its germicidal radiation in its UV lamp.

However, a UV filter poses a threat to your health. It can transform oxygen into an ozone that is hazardous for living beings. Also, it’s not as efficient in trapping pollutants like dust as well as gases, fumes, and cigarette smoke. 

This is what you’re looking for if you also want to kill tough pollutants such as molds and germs.


Key Takeaways

Choosing the most ideal air filter for you is never easy, but once you understand the different air filter types and their uniqueness through this guide, you are now more ready to do so. 

Keep in mind that living with good quality indoor air is one step closer to healthy living. Now, if you’re looking for a reliable air filter supplier in the Philippines, we can work with you in choosing the best air filter options for your needs. Contact us today.

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